Hand holding sign reading 'Net-zero now. 2050 is too late.'

Time to detox your bank in the #BigBankDetox

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Most banks are still heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry and show few signs of getting out completely. So if they won’t clean up their act, it’s time for all of us to detox our bank accounts.

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Projection on the Bank of England building reads 'It's our money and our future'

How to switch your account from a bank funding fossil fuels

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There are many ways to complain about your bank’s role in financing fossil fuels and join the millions demanding an end to bankrolling the climate crisis. But if you feel you’ve exhausted all the options, moving your account to a more responsible bank can make a big statement.

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Campaigners protesting at Barclays Piccadilly branch in London

9 reasons banks have to stop funding fossil fuels

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Whether you’re emailing your bank or talking to staff working in the branches, it helps to have a few good points lined up to make a solid argument.

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Three easy ways to challenge banks funding fossil fuels

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Furious that Barclays and HSBC are still investing in fossil fuels, but haven’t got much time to spare? Don’t worry – in just ten minutes, you can take on the banks which are pumping billions into oil, gas and coal companies.

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