Wimbledon is about to get a nasty shock from its sponsor Barclays

Wimbledon is getting dragged into a fight on Barclays' other dirtier sponsorships

Here’s why artists are dropping Barclays-sponsored events

Barclays' dirty investments are coming back to bite it

Barclays client embroiled in fresh corruption scandal

Adani Green Energy, the sponsor of the Science Museum’s new exhibition on the energy transition, is caught in a new case of alleged fraud.

Barclays Europe’s #1 fossil fuel funder – 8th year running

#1 fossil fuel funder in Europe since 2016, for the 7th year running.

Barclays’ AGM did not go to plan

Barclays AGM was dominated by the billions it's feeding to Israeli arms companies and the fossil fuel industry

Stopping project finance for new fossil fuels is not a flex

“It's like Barclays saying they would never directly invest in cigarettes, then provide billions to tobacco companies.”

Citi walks away from minimum standards on environment

Citi was even a "founding signatory" of the standards

Barclays ignores Adani’s criminal past to secure $409 million

Barclays are turning a blind eye to human rights and climate crimes from Adani

Barclays’ new climate policy: the breakdown

Barclays takes minimum steps while leaving billions to Shell and Exxon untouched

CITI is poisoning our water and choking our children

Read the letter to Citi outlining the damage it's doing

Oxfam is ditching Barclays over its fossil fuel funding

Oxfam join University of Cambridge and Christian Aid taking action against Barclays' fossil fuel billions

What Barclays’ new Energy Transition team really means

Scratch a little below Barclays' latest "green" announcement...

Citi & Exxon: a malevolent marriage

Citi is lead advisor on one of the biggest oil deals in decades

Why Barclays is failing on green finance

A scratch under Barclays' "green" commitments shows major problems

Barclays’ dishonesty on its climate progress

Barclays can be a leader by fixing its fossil fuel problem

Barclays has a Total-shaped human rights problem

Billions to fossil fuels = billions to abusing human rights

Citi is showing two-faces on climate change

Demanding better climate metrics whilst lobbying against their implementation 🤔

Adani: Barclays’ favourite corrupt client

Breaking scandals allege Adani's criminal activity - but Barclays are still in bed with them

3 reasons why Barclays isn’t as green as it says

Would a company that "cares about sustainability" do this?

Citi’s Dirty Amazon deals

Citi is the major player in destroying the Amazon

Barclays sponsoring Wimbledon has backfired

Barclays is struggling to escape its bad fossil fuel funding record

See the report sent to the Barclays sustainability board

A stern welcome to the Barclays sustainability board

Celebs call on Wimbledon to dump Barclays

Wimbledon is under pressure to ditch its sponsor over fossil fuel funding