Citi paying the price for fossil fuel funding

Citi is being targeted for the billions it's lending to fossil fuels

BIG WIN on French Bank BNP Paribas

Pressure on BNP Paribas has worked!

Barclays AGM: one big issue

Barclays AGM was all about one thing, Barclays' fossil fuel funding

Citi AGM: Hot in the Citi

Top executives at Citi have not had the best few weeks.

Barclays holds on to its title. Again.

#1 fossil fuel funder in Europe since 2016, for the 7th year running.

RBC is #1 funder of fossil fuel funder in the world

That's $42 BILLION to fossil fuels in 2022

Citi is still #2 funder of fossil fuel funder in the world

That's $333 BILLION to fossil fuels since 2016

The Swiss banks had an AGM season they won’t forget

Credit Suisse's collapse is big on the agenda

RBC’s AGM didn’t go to plan

RBC's funding of Coastal Gas Link took centre stage

Breathtaking. Not least for RBC

A giant day of action calling on RBC to stop trampling on indigenous land and climate rights.

RBC are causing devastation, and it’s about to bite them

RBC is INCREASING its funding of fossil fuel expansion. And they're facing kickback.

New research: RBC aren’t as green as they say

Bloomberg research is showing the truth behind RBC's fossil fuel funding

Barclays are having a valentines to forget

Their new policy is rubbish, so pressure is ramping up.

Letter to Barclays: it’s time to drop Adani

Barclays have a big, Adani sized, problem

Barclays are hiding from a giant global story

Adani and Barclays are bezzies, through thick and thin....?

Stephen Fry is coming for the big banks’ fossil fuel addiction

Celebrities are exposing the big banks funding the climate crisis to the world

Banks are green right?…RIGHT?!

How much green energy do you think banks fund? It’s worse than you think...

US Banks are refusing free, green money

Biden is offering green financing: US banks should take it
image of the garzweiler mine by RWE

Sneaky HSBC tries to hide loan to German coal miner

HSBC lent $340m to a coal giant and wanted to keep it hush hush

BIG WIN: HSBC will stop bankrolling new oil & gas fields 🙌🏾

HSBC is the first of the major global banks to do this

Citi talks green, but it’s a major coal backer

Citi's not a climate leader, they want more coal

Barclays is being exposed as a fossil fuel funder

In a very, very public way.

Citi: #1 fossil fuel banker in Africa

Citi is plundering Africa for fossil fuels

Land defenders came to meet banks face to face

Fracking activists met with bank bosses funding the destruction of their homes