Wimbledon is about to get a nasty shock from its sponsor Barclays

— If you work for Wimbledon or Barclays, and you want to share your thoughts confidentially, email confidential@bankonourfuture.org now —

Wimbledon 2024 is being proudly sponsored by Barclays.

Here’s why artists are dropping Barclays-sponsored events

— Barclays staff are confidentially sharing their thoughts with the Bank on our Future team. Your position isn’t important, speaking up for the right thing is. Email confidential@bankonourfuture.org now.

Barclays client embroiled in fresh corruption scandal

New financial analysis reveals how one of Barclays’ darling clients, Adani Green Energy, is reportedly involved in yet another fraud scandal, and the bank’s financing could have helped them get there. 

Barclays Europe’s #1 fossil fuel funder – 8th year running

— Right now, Barclays staff are speaking confidentially on Barclays’ fossil fuel funding. Talk to the team by emailing: confidential@bankonourfuture.org

Champions – 8th year running

Barclays retains its crown as the biggest European bankroller of the fossil fuel industry since 2016, according to annual updates from RAN.

Barclays’ AGM did not go to plan

— Right now, Barclays staff are speaking confidentially about Barclays’ role in funding big oil and Israeli arms. Speak to the Bank on our Future team safely now. email: confidential@bankonourfuture.org —

Barclays tried to have another normal AGM.

Citi employees: Sorry we locked down your office. Here’s why…

— Work at Citi? Join dozens of your colleagues who are confidentially speaking out against Citi’s ongoing funding of the fossil fuel industry. Email confidential@bankonourfuture.org —

If you work at Citi you’ll probably know the bank is facing protests across the world.

Stopping project finance for new fossil fuels is not a flex

Last month, headlines across the UK ran that Barclays was ending funding for new oil and gas, with the Telegraph notching this up as a ‘victory for net-zero activists’.

Citi walks away from minimum standards on environment

— Citi staff are confidentially sharing thoughts on Citi’s fossil fuel funding record with the Bank on our Future team. Just email confidential@bankonourfuture.org to talk to the team —

Citi is the 2nd biggest funder of the fossil fuel industry of any bank in the world, and whilst claiming to be a green leader, it’s secretly abandoned the ‘bare minimum standards’ on the impact of its funding on the environment and vulnerable communities.

Barclays ignores Adani’s criminal past to secure $409 million

Who is Adani and why is Barclays involved?

Adani is the world’s biggest developer of coal, and Barclays just helped it secure a $409 million “green” bond.

Barclays’ new climate policy: the breakdown

— Barclays staff are speaking out on the loopholes in Barclays’ new fossil fuel policy. Share your thoughts confidentially HERE

What did Barclays just release?

CITI is poisoning our water and choking our children

Over 100 frontline and climate groups are writing to Citi to explain the damage they’re doing to communities by funding the poisoning of water and air:

Oxfam is ditching Barclays over its fossil fuel funding

Oxfam is joining a growing list of charities and civil society ditching Barclays for the billions it’s piling into the likes of Shell and Exxon. Oxfam now joins the University of Cambridge and Christian Aid, as well as dozens of other organisations aiming to distance themselves and their reputations from the toxic brand Barclays is developing.

What Barclays’ new Energy Transition team really means

Barclays is assembling a new Energy Transition Team to try and quell the massive pressure it’s facing to end the billions of dollars it’s providing to the likes of Shell and Exxon.

Citi & Exxon: a malevolent marriage

Citi’s commitment to oil giant ExxonMobil was reinforced recently when the US bank was named as the lead advisor on its $60 billion merger with Pioneer, one of the biggest oil deals for decades.

Why Barclays is failing on green finance

Barclays spends a lot of time and money telling staff, investors, and the media how green it is and how much it cares about supporting the transition to green energy.

Barclays’ dishonesty on its climate progress

No European bank has provided more billions of dollars to the fossil fuel industry than Barclays and at Barclays’ AGM in May, the chair of the Barclays board, Nigel Higgins, stood up and claimed that Barclays “reduced its financed emissions by 32% last year”.

Barclays has a Total-shaped human rights problem

This year, Bloomberg exposed a major Barclays blunder. Barclays sent oil and gas equity analysts to inspect the human rights implications of a heated oil pipeline owned by one of its biggest (and most brutal) fossil fuel clients TotalEnergies.

Citi is showing two-faces on climate change

Citi is a lifeline for the fossil fuel industry, pumping in $333 BILLION into the sector since 2016. But it’s ok, Citi are now insisting that they’re helping to find a solution to climate change…while at the same time lobbying to ensure they don’t have to prove they are doing anything.

Adani: Barclays’ favourite corrupt client

What’s the breaking news?

The Adani Group is the world’s biggest private coal developer. It loves piling billions into coal (the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel), corruption, fraud, and money laundering.

3 reasons why Barclays isn’t as green as it says

Work for Barclays and want to share your views on the billions that Barclays is providing to the fossil fuel industry? It’s 100% confidential. Just email confidential@bankonourfuture.org and a member of the team will get back to you asap. 

Citi’s Dirty Amazon deals

A new report is showing that Citi is not only one of the biggest funders of oil and gas operations in the Amazon, it is the number one influencer when it comes to sealing dirty deals in the vulnerable region.

Barclays sponsoring Wimbledon has backfired

This is Barclays’ first year sponsoring Wimbledon. But rather than a solid bit of PR, it’s turned out to be more of a headache. That’s because Wimbledon takes its sustainability quite seriously and are coming under major pressure for partnering with Barclays, who has provided more cash to the fossil fuel industry than any other bank in Europe, since the Paris Climate Agreement.

See the report sent to the Barclays sustainability board

There was one major topic at the Barclays AGM a few months back: the fact that Barclays are providing more cash to the fossil fuel industry than any other bank in Europe (since 2016).

Celebs call on Wimbledon to dump Barclays

It’s not just activists who are taking aim at Barclays over its funding of massive fossil fuel companies destroying lives and wrecking the planet.

Today, celebrities including Emma Thompson, Vanessa Nakate, Mary Portas, and Lolly Adefope, as well as organisations like Greenpeace UK, are saying they have #ZeroLoveForBarclays.